Sam Guzik

Senior Expert Advisor

Sam Guzik is a Senior Expert Advisor specializing in the future of news, content, distribution and strategy. His career includes a broad range of experience that includes product management, strategic foresight, scenario forecasting, audience engagement and leadership in legacy news organizations.

Sam leads the product strategy for New York Public Radio. Passionate about building a sustainable future for local news, Guzik has demonstrated results creating innovative, engaging and impactful journalism — and thinking about the business model to support that work. His career includes a broad range of experience, with specific focus on product management, strategic foresight, scenario writing, audience engagement and leadership in legacy news organizations. 

Guzik is a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and the NYU Stern School of Business.

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Speaking and Lecturing Requests

For speaking and lecturing requests please contact Cheryl Cooney at [email protected].

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Media Requests 

If you are a reporter and want to interview Sam Guzik for a story, or if you need FTI research, please contact 267-342-4300. This includes requests for broadcast appearances.